Regional seminar on social and solidarity economy

On June 18-19, 2024, the International Labour Organization held a regional seminar on social and solidarity economics in the Asia-Pacific region in Bangkok.
Participants of the seminar:
About 80-100 participants from Cambodia, Mongolia, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam and Kyrgyzstan, represented by government agencies, employers' and workers' organizations, representatives of the CSE, international organizations, experts, academia and NGOs. At the seminar, Kyrgyzstan was represented by the JIA Business Association, represented by lawyer Erbolot Nurlan uulu.

The ILO has launched the project "Strengthening the Social and Solidarity Economy in Asia – Phase 2" to help States, workers' organizations and employers understand the contribution of the CES to decent work and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The project covers Cambodia, Mongolia, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam and Kyrgyzstan.

Workshop objectives:
- Enhance understanding of SSE among ILO members and partners;
- Expand the regional network to promote ETS by providing a platform for knowledge sharing;
- To discuss a national action plan to strengthen EEAS in the six countries.