“Promoting Green Business Practices in Kyrgyzstan”

On September 28 in Bishkek, JIA Business Association within the framework of the project “Promotion of Green Business Practices in Kyrgyzstan” held an information session for women entrepreneurs on “Opportunities of Green Economy”.

The information session covered the following topics:
1. Gulnaz Zhalilova: Carbon footprint and its role in everyday life.
2. Asylbek Chekirov: The role of local authorities in supporting green projects in the regions.
3. Begayim Duyshembi kyzy: State Development Bank: sources of financing and opportunities for implementation of green solutions.

Women entrepreneurs gained a deep understanding of the basic principles and opportunities of the green economy, as well as acquired practical skills to direct their activities towards environmental sustainability and efficiency.

“The initiative “Promoting Green Business Practices in the Kyrgyz Republic” is implemented by JIA Business Association together with the program “Green Economy and Sustainable Private Sector Development in the Kyrgyz Republic” implemented by GIZ with co-funding from BMZ, EU and the Swiss Government.”