The 85th anniversary of Osh State University was celebrated

The international forum "Interaction of business, education, science and government agencies: opportunities and ways of development of regions" organized for the 85th anniversary of OshMU ended on May 31.

Azzambek Jeenbai uulu, Executive Director of JIA Business Association, moderated the panel discussion.
During the panel session the issues of uniting initiatives of scientific, business community, public authorities and local self-government bodies, influencing the socio-economic development of regions were discussed and a resolution was adopted.

Speakers participating in the discussion:
1. Akaev Zhanar - Deputy of the Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic;
2. Christopher Gerry - Rector of the University of Central Asia;
3. Musaev Abdylda - Rector of Bishkek State University named after Karasaev;
4. Tashbaev Ilyaz - Deputy Representative of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic in Osh oblast;
5. Apbasov Kanybek - Head of Uzgen district state administration-akim;
6. Anarbekov Nurbek - Director of the Center for Public-Private Partnership of the National Investment Agency under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic;
7. Andrey Pyatakhin - General Director of Beeline Kyrgyzstan.