Dual education

Dual training is a type of training in which the theoretical part of training takes place on the basis of an educational organization, and the practical part - at the workplace. Dual training implies:
-joint financing of training programs with interested enterprises interested in qualified personnel;
-organization of the educational process under the dual training program;
-practical training at the workplace under the guidance of a mentor.
The relevance of such education lies in the fact that the educational institution and employers (enterprise) in close contact form general and professional competencies in accordance with GOST, as well as keeping up with modern technologies.

In this program Kyrgyzstan was represented by the Executive Director of JIA, there were also representatives from such countries: Australia, USA, Colombia, Argentina, South Korea, India, Bangladesh, Cyprus, Lebanon, South Africa, Mauritania, Zambia, Namibia, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, North Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina.