On September 4, 2023, a meeting between JIA management and a delegation from the International Labor Organization (ILO) was held at the JIA office.

- Dr. Cristina Martinez, Lead Specialist, Enterprise Development, Green Jobs, Just Transition, Decent Work Technical Support Unit and ILO Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia;
- Massimiliano La Marca, Senior Economist, Partnerships Department, ILO, Geneva;
- Hongyu Pei, International Consultant on Green Jobs and Just Transition, Decent Work Technical Support Unit and ILO Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia;
- Bolot Orokov, ILO National Coordinator in Kyrgyzstan;
- Liliya Kachkinbaeva, National Consultant on Green Jobs and Just Transition.

The meeting discussed the status of the development of a green jobs assessment model, which is currently being developed under the PAGE program.